Home is Where the Air Force Sends You

29 June 2008

Little Rock, Here we come!

We got our orders and they are the same as the RIPs. We'll be reporting to Little Rock NLT 8 August. We plan to be out of our current house on 30/31 July to give us some time to find a place and get somewhat settled before Steven has to report to work.

I'm hitting the job search harder now since we have a real date that I can give potential employers. I'm excited about this job change but also nervous that I'll have a hard time finding something worthwhile.

Not much else is new...work has been hell here lately. I'm not looking forward to Monday because I will be starting to train my replacement and my boss wants to talk to me about something that happened last week. (Basically I was asked to do something, needed some info in order to do it, so I asked for help, didn't get it, asked a couple more times and then the person not answering my questions called and talked to the other VP to get on me about being hard to work with.)

Thank God it's going to be a short work- week!

15 June 2008

Steven got his WINGS!

Well, 13 June - Steven got his wings. He's now officially an aviator. :) It's exciting and I'm really proud of him. It's a lot of fun to see the friends we made during our time here at Randolph graduate together and move on to the next phase of training. Luckily a few of us will be headed to Little Rock AFB at the same time, so that's good for the guys and the wives as well!

We still don't have orders, but we have a better idea of when we're going to Little Rock. I think we'll be leaving San Antonio at the end of July which will be here too quickly because we've got a busy month ahead of us. It's crazy to think that Steven is going to water training all next week, then he'll be home for a couple of weeks before he's off to SERE training and then back for a few days and then we'll head out to Little Rock AFB! Of course, this is only if we get his orders and they are the same dates as the RIPs.
Also, it looks like we will be doing TDY en route which we thought would not happen...and that's good news!

I'm going to Little Rock with Steven - it feels so great not being in limbo with that decision. We'll be there roughly 6 months and in that time I figure I can find a decent job to make up for leaving the one I have here. While I have enjoyed my job in San Antonio, a lot has changed and I'm ready to leave. It's sad that if I hadn't given them so much notice as to when we'll be leaving, I would have a raise and be doing the exact tasks that I have been wanting to do (HR/ FSO). Lesson learned - don't give people too much information no matter how nice you think they are....being nice here has gotten me absolutely nothing other than a giant headache!

I'll be doing all of the packing for our move to LR while Steven is at SERE training and I hope he doesn't come back too tired because I'll need his help loading up and cleaning out our place so we can head out. If there's anyone in SA willing to work for a free meal, let me know....we would love to have a few extra helping hands!

That's all for now. When we get orders, I'll update again!!